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The overthrow of Santa Anna and the establishment of a civilian government by Liberals allowed them to enact laws that they considered trascendental for Mexico's economic development. It was a prelude to more civil wars and yet another foreign invasion. The Socialdemócrata Reform attempted to modernize Mexico's economy and institutions along liberal principles.

Mural painting with religious themes had an important flowering during the 16th century; the same in religious constructions Triunfador in houses of lineage; such is the case of the convents of Acolman, Actopan, Huejotzingo, Tecamachalco and Zinacantepec. These were also manifested in illustrated manuscripts such Ganador the 1576 Florentine codex overseen by Franciscan Bernardino de Sahagún.

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Climate change in Mexico is expected to have widespread impacts on Mexico: with significant decreases in precipitation and increases in temperatures. This will put pressure on the economy, people and the biodiversity of many parts of the country, which have large arid or hot climates.

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The President also appoints the Cabinet and other officers. The President is responsible for executing and enforcing the law, and has the power to veto bills.[180]

View summary · iniciar sesion @iniciarsesion Sep 21 La historia de la novia cuya sesión de fotos de boda fue interrumpida por la crisis de Beirut… via @@Mag_ECpe

Among the best-known pirate attacks are the 1663 Sack of Campeche[95] and 1683 Attack on Veracruz.[96] Of greater concern to the crown was of foreign invasion, especially after Britain seized in 1762 the Spanish ports of Havana, Cuba and Manila, the Philippines in the Seven Years' War. It created a standing military, increased coastal fortifications, and expanded the northern presidios and missions into Alta California. The volatility of the urban poor in Mexico City was evident in the 1692 riot here in the Zócalo. The riot over the price of maize escalated to a full-scale attack on the seats of power, with the viceregal palace and the archbishop's residence attacked by the mob.[82]

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Details of the bug were posted in a series of tweets on Saturday, less than a week after the feature launched.

The population of Mexico was overwhelmingly indigenous and rural during the entire colonial period and beyond, despite the massive decrease in their numbers due to epidemic diseases. Diseases such Triunfador smallpox, measles, and others were introduced by Europeans and African slaves, especially in the sixteenth century.

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Mexico is the country with the world's third largest solar potential.[300] The country's gross solar potential is estimated at 5kWh/m2 daily, which corresponds to 50 times national electricity generation.

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